Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day Twelve

Today was week number two of going to church here in Mysore, India. It is absolutely exhausting to go to church here. I am feeling a huge desire and need to be fed by the Word and the chance of it happening here at church is slim slim slim! Church is conducted in English. The pastor speaks in English and then someone translates it into Conada so they go back and forth in conveying the message. However, they both speak so quietly that it is nearly impossible to understand and make out what is being said... I really have no idea how Tony and Stephany manage to go each week. I know they are in desperate need of being fed themselves, but man is it exhausting to go to church and sit and just wonder what you are doing there because there is impossible to get anything from it... With that said though, today was a little on the hard side compared to the other days... And I am so glad to say that I will be worshiping with my church home in about 10 minutes. One of the first things I said to Stephany as I walked out of the church this morning is "well I will be watching the service back home tonight." Sunday's are hard for me because I miss worshiping with my church family and I miss my ABF class.. I am so thankful for technology and that I am going to get the opportunity to tune in tonight as they worship!
Following church we came back and had a lunch together and then got to take some naps (which were MUCH NEEDED!). Tonight we got to go out and have dinner. I actually really liked what we had, but I am not so sure that it is something you would consider "Indian". Stephany said it was something that would be probably a little more "middle eastern" I think is what she said. I forget what it was called but basically it was a thick tortilla with some grilled/roasted chicken in it. I had one with vegetables (raw) in it and one with just chicken. It was really yummy and had some really good seasonings in it. We then got to get some ice cream! YUM! I got some Mint Chocolate Chip on a cone and it was good, but man was it minty! After a while it started to taste a little like toothpaste... Not quite as sweet as the mint chocolate chip in the states!
I also experienced the grocery store for the first time! WOW! Okay, so last week I kind of experienced it because I got to help get fruits and veggies after lunch last Sunday, but veggies and the grocery store are really totally separate. It is so so so small and I swear they were blasting the heater in there! There were so many people everywhere! I have no idea how people grocery shop like that! One of the things that made me laugh was that one of the sales associates there opened up a bottle of nail polish on the shelf and painted the girls fingers with it. Something you would never see in the states!
Well I have about a minute and a half until service so that is where I am headed! More tomorrow!

One thing I will not miss is having to dress like a genie when I go to church! Here is just a little sneak peak.. It is not the whole outfit..

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