Monday, May 21, 2012

Day Six

Wow! I just can hardly believe that I left Northwest Arkansas a week ago! Time has absolutely flown by! I am down to three more weeks and they are going to fly by because as of tomorrow things are going to begin to get a little bit busier each week! Today I got the opportunity to experience an Indian waterpark. I was trying not to have any expectations when I went and well any expectations I had were far exceeded! I was pleasantly surprised by the size and quality of the park! It was really great to get out and experience some different things here in Mysore. Tony and Stephany had never been either so it was a new experience for all of us! I was so happy to see how much fun the girls were having! One of the sweetest sounds is giggles of little girls having a great time! We spent the majority of our day there and now we are back at the house just relaxing. While at the park I had a first experience... I experienced an Indian toilet for the first time. It is better known as a "squatty potty". It is basically a porcelain bowl that looks a lot like a urinal that is implanted down into the concrete floor. There is no toilet paper.. Just a bowl of water to use to clean off... The Indian Culture is a toilet paperless culture for the most part... They do not use their left hand for anything because it is considered dirty since that is what they use instead of toilet paper. Something I don't know that I could ever bring myself to do... After experiencing the "squatty potty" once I chose to wait until we came home to go again... An experience I will never forget..

Tomorrow will begin my being able to meet with and teach a girl some english! I am really excited to get to spend some time with her. Starting tomorrow I will teach her English Monday-Friday from 2-4. I am really excited, but really wish that I was going to get to know her, but due to our severe language barrier that will be difficult. I know no Conada and she knows no English. So for the next three weeks I will be working with her. Starting on Thursday I will be leading a Bible Study. I am really excited about that! I am not sure how many girls yet, but I know God is going to work in some amazing ways! I will be using Shana Olinger's "Battle Gear" study and I cannot wait to begin!!

Missing you all!!  

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