Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day Five

Finally caught up! Today we went to church at "Trinity Baptist Church". We went and picked up Brad and Krystal from their house and then headed to church. Today was the first day that I had to wear the full traditional Indian outfit. It consisted of the Indian pants, tunic and also the scarf. Those are not the technical words for the pieces of clothing.. The church was in a little concrete, one room building that had some large windows for ventilation. Unlike most churches that are not of "western culture" we sat in pews. The pastor spoke in English and then had a guy who translated the service. It began with a very long time of prayers and then moved into singing a few songs. The songs were all in Conada so I am not sure what they were saying, but it was beautiful to be able to sit and listen to how all the different voices blended together. Following the singing the sermon began. It was based mainly out of Isaiah 30:18. The pastor used different stories throughout the Bible that described what happens when we wait on God's timing and when we choose to try and make our own timing instead. Following the service they did another song and passed around the offering baskets and then another time of prayer and dismissed church.
Following church we went to eat at "Big Chicken" it was really yummy! It is kind of like KFC but I liked it a lot better than that. I didn't want any sause on my sandwich and it was really hard for them to understand.. For some reason it is difficult for them to change even the slightest things about a meal... It really was rather funny! While we were waiting for the food to come Stephany went downstairs and did some grocery shopping since it was all in the same building.
We returned and took some naps again! I am loving getting to take all these naps! Especially since I am still not able to sleep all through the night.. Last night I woke up around 10:45 and then 1:30-4am, again at 6am and then finally got up at 8... I laid for a while today and read "Heaven is For Real". It has taken me a long time to finally start it, but I am enjoying it so far. We will see as time goes on. I read for about an hour and then I finally went to sleep and slept for about 2 and a half hours. It felt really nice.

This next week is going to be quite a bit busier. I am really excited to see what is in store and how God is going to choose to work! I cannot believe tomorrow marks one week of my being gone! Time has flown and I have no clue where it all as gone! I am going to cherish the last three weeks I have here.. It is going to fly by the busier I get! 

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