Monday, May 28, 2012

Day Thirteen

This post will probably be a little on the short side as I am already in bed and ready to go to sleep, but I knew I would forget stuff if I waited until tomorrow. One thing I realized I didn't post yesterday was we drove by the temple yesterday afternoon on our way back from church and I could not believe the amount of people that were there and the amount of smoke that was coming out of the building from their abundant burning of offerings to their "gods". It breaks my heart to think about that many people being so utterly convinced of one of the biggest lies that has ever been told! Heartbreaking! One thing that has been made very clear to me though is the lost in my own neighborhood and family. It is so sad to see people you love being ruled by lies. I just wish that people would realize what the "ULTIMATE sacrifice" is! Anyways, so today Stephany began school with Rebekah so I got to spend a little bit of time today just me and Sarah! It was so much fun! We got to do a little bit of our own kind of school! (tonight during her prayer she prayed to God thanking Him for the school we got to do together :).) Way too sweet! There was a lot of potential things that were going to happen today, but Sarah got a fever (I think she is doing better so thanks to those who prayed) so we pushed them to Thursday. So Thursday I am going to get to go meet some of the national partners here. How exciting! So today we ended up canceling English Class since I thought I was going to be gone. So instead I took a nap and Stephany and I made cookies for my Bible Study tonight! Bible Study was a lot harder than I expected, but it went well. The translator rambled a whole lot about I am not sure what since I cannot speak the language. Stephany said she was most likely just stating what was said in many different ways which is very common in this culture she said. Just have to remind myself that God can use anything to do His will.. I took them milk and cookies and they thought it was the funniest thing because one they don't drink just milk, let alone milk that has not been boiled. so funny! Krystal and I had them try it "american style" by dipping the cookies in their milk. haha Guess I shouldn't tell them that we drink our milk cold!! They think that if you drink cold stuff you will catch a cold. so no ice in drinks or anything like that. They like everything atleast room temperature. The one thing that made me smile was that the girls that are in my English class came and were upset about not meeting today and were excited to be meeting again tomorrow. YAY! :)
Well off to bed for me!
Miss you all!

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